Cinnamon Rolls

Posted by Carol on 2018-02-15

Cinnamon Rolls

Okara from 1 batch soy milk (1 cup dry beans)
2 cup water
1 T yeast
2 T fructose ~optional, this will help the rolls brown
1 T sugar
1 /4 cup oil
scant 1 T kosher salt
1/3 c vital wheat gluten ~ optional, but recomended
5 - 6 cup flour *

3/4 c brown sugar
2 T corn syrup
1/4 c buttah (your favorite vegan butter), soft
1 t cinammon

chopped nuts

  • Mix the okara, and water together, the temperature should be about 100 F, I used refridgerated okara, so my water was hot. If you’re using fresh hot okara you may want to use cold water.

  • Add the yeast and let sit for 1 minute.

  • Add the fructose and sugar, mix.

  • Add the oil, salt, wheat gluten, and 4 cups of flour. Mix to a rough dough, add more flour as necessary until a soft dough forms.

  • Cover with a damp towel and let sit for 1-2 hours to rise.

  • Divide into 4 pieces. Roll out one piece into a large rectangle and spread the filling.

  • Roll up and cut into 8-12 pieces.

  • Grease a pan and cover with brown sugar and pecan pieces. Place rolls in pan cut side up. You should end up with 4 pans of 8-12 rolls each. Cover and freeze.

  • The night before you want to bake place the pan on the counter.

  • The next morning pre-heat oven to 375 F and bake for 20 minutes. (If you like really gooey cinnamon rolls bake at 400 for 15 minutes)

  • Turn out onto a plate (if you wait too long you won’t be able to get them out)

Cinnamon rolls are a great thing to have in your freezer for those days you want something more for breakfast than cereal.

These cinnamon rolls are ooey and gooey and delicious. They don’t even need icing, they’re that good.

The okara is the leftover solids after you’ve made soy milk. I often throw away the okara, but there are many recipes you can make. This means these cinnamon rolls are higher in protein!

The fructose is optional, but it helps the rolls brown, making it look nicer.

The vital wheat gluten is also optional, but it will make the dough easier to handle, and rise better.


*The amount of flour you need depends on both the day, and the amount of moisture in the okara.