Tiina Lilleaed Shawl

Posted by Carol on 2018-11-03

There’s a second hand craft store here in town that sells any and everything you would need for crafting. I try not to go too often, otherwise my stash will grow out of control.

A few weeks ago I found a cone of pale coral cotton. It’s not really lace weight, but is closer to fingering, or light fingering. For only $3 how could I pass it up?

Coral really isn’t my color, but my mama looks great in coral. So I found a few shawls that I wanted to make, and asked her opinion. She chose the [Tiina Lilleaed shawl].

I cast on Wednesday night before we left for vacation, and knit the first chart that night. Since 2015, and my first [shawl] I’ve become much more comfortable with charts, and in fact I prefer charts for lace, cabels, and colorwork. It’s so much easier to see the pattern, and to see how each row lines up and figure out what I should look for if I have issues.

The next day was 15 hours in the car, so 8 of those I was knitting, and finished the second chart. My goal was to finish a chart each day, but I quickly realized that wasn’t feasable, especially as this is a trangular shawl, and gets bigger each row.

It probably took close to 36 hours of knitting to finish this shawl. It’s 10 feet from tip to tip and nearly 5 feet from top to tail. This was really only the second shawl I’d ever blocked, and was a learning experience in how to begin pinning, and how the shawl changes from small to big.

The nups were a challenge I hadn’t done before, and while I enjoyed the look they gave, they were a pain in the butt to make, and took up way too much yarn. (I have plently leftover, but still)

By the end of the shawl, on the very last row, there was 463 stiches on my needles! Following the patterns recommended number of repeats, I knit 202 rows, and knit somewhere around 42000 stiches.

Pictures by [Nathan]
[Tiina Lilleaed shawl]: https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/tiina-lilleaed
[shawl]: https://www.carolmadethis.com/2018/07/09/Bella-Shawl/