Tomato Soup

Posted by Carol on 2019-12-31

Tomato Soup

1 large can tomatos (diced or crushed)
2-4 T tomato paste
1/2 med onion
2 large cloves of garlic
1 cup broth (I used veggie)
1/2 t salt
1/8 t liquid smoke (or less)
1/2 cup non-dairy creamer
1/2 lemon, juiced (optional)
1/2 t sugar (optional)

In a high speed blender blend everything for 5-10 minutes until very smooth.

Taste, add salt, lemon juice, and/or sugar.

Pour into jars or other freezer safe containers. Freeze.

I use the frozen soup as my ice pack in my lunch, keeping my cold food cold, and thawing the soup just enough.

I usually microwave the soup for 2 minutes.

That’s it! The microwave cooks the soup so it will darken a little. If you want, you can heat up the soup and blend again for an even smoother texture, but if you have a high speend blender and blend long enough, that’s usually fine.

When I was younger we would often have tomato soup for dinner. It was from a can, and while delicious, it’s from a can. And homemade is often better (and in this case, it totally is!)

So now that I’m working, I’m taking my lunch, and due to a combination of genetics and up-bringing, I would rather not eat leftovers, and meal preping is very leftoverish to me. Except from the freezer. Yes, I’m weird.

So freezing soups is the way to go (and curries, but we can talk about those later)

This soup is easy peasy (lemon squeezy, literally)